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Get to Know

Our Chickens and Ducks


We have grown to really love our ducks! They are a good source of entertainment. We love watching them splash in our pond. They free range throughout the day and are locked in a covered run at night to protect them from predators.


We only have Silver Appleyard Ducks. They are a rare breed of duck known for excellent egg production and large build. They are excellent meat birds as well. Silver Appleyards are flightless, laid back ducks with great dispositions. They are also known for being excellent mothers.


We have a super assortment of chickens, from Polish to Americauna to Orpingtons! We get a wide variety of shell colors from our girls. We feed our chickens and ducks a combination of seeds, grains, and oats. We free range them during the day and lock them up in a covered run at night to keep them safe. We believe in letting a chicken run around as much as possible during the day. Our girls are protected by our rooster and are allowed to "go broody" and hatch eggs when they want to in the spring. We therefore have a combination of purebred hens from the hatchery, and our own barnyard mixes. Our hens are friendly and happy to run about the farm. They love table scraps and bugs!

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